Patient Information

Sharing your Record
At the Lilliput Surgery the Clinical Software we use is SystmOne. It is a secure centralised system that handles the medical records of patients in NHS healthcare settings from primary care to hospitals, social care and mental health. SystmOne provides clinicians and health professionals with a single shared Electronic Health Record (EHR) which is available in real time at the point of care.
With SystmOne patient data can be shared securely across services - promoting efficiency and standardisation. Most importantly it enables services to improve the patient experience and deliver safer patient care.
For SystmOne to provide a fully integrated service with our NHS colleagues we rely on the consent of our patients to share their record. Should you decide you would prefer not to share your record with NHS health professionals involved in your care, please inform the surgery either in writing or by speaking to the receptionist.
Named allocated GP
All patients have a named allocated GP who is responsible for their overall care at the practice. Patients have the option to request a specific named GP. All requests will be considered and we will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate the request. Patients can also contact the practice to find out who their named allocated GP is. Contact the practice for more information.
Policy for patients who do not attend (DNA) their appointments
When patients do not turn up for their appointment and do not advise the surgery that they wish to cancel their appointment (or cancel at late notice) this has an effect on our NHS services:
- An increase in waiting time for appointments
- A waste of resources
- A potential risk to the health of the patient
- Frustration for both staff and patients
Our DNA Policy
On the first occasion that a patient does not attend (DNA) an appointment the non-attendance will be recorded as a ‘DNA’ in the patient notes. We will attempt to contact the patient by telephone or text to let them know that they have missed an appointment and to check that everything is alright.
If a patient fails to attend a second appointment within 12 months of the first DNA a warning letter will be sent notifying them of a second missed appointment. The letter will state that three DNAs within any 12 months may result in them being removed from the patient list for Lilliput Surgery.
If a patient fails to attend a third appointment within 12 months of the first DNA the GPs will discuss the matter at a practice meeting and a majority agreement will be reached as to whether the patient will be removed from the practice list. The patient will be informed of this in writing prior to the meeting and given the opportunity to contact the surgery with details of any extenuating circumstances that may be relevant.
If the GPs agree to remove the patient from the practice list the patient will be informed in writing (with reasons explained) and given information on how to register with a new GP. The local Health Authority will also be informed and the patient’s medical records will be sent to them.
If the GPs agree that the patient can remain on the practice list the patient will be informed in writing (with reasons explained). A further formal warning may also be issued at this time.
The practice will take into account mitigating circumstances under this policy.
Late for an appointment?
Please be aware that if you are 10 minutes or more late for an appointment, your clinician will decide if:
- they will see you as soon as they can;
- they will see you at the end of their clinic; or
- you will need to make another appointment.
Patients abroad
The practice will accept calls from patient who have been abroad for less than 3 months. We will return calls to mobiles but not oversees landlines. Oversees landlines will only be called in extreme circumstances and at the GP's discretion.
Patients who have been abroad for longer than 3 months are not entitled to any NHS treatment whilst they remain abroad - this includes prescriptions as well as telephone consultations.
Chaperones (an impartial observer) can be present during consultations at the Surgery for patients who would like one. Please advise the receptionist when booking your appointment or when checking in. Alternatively you can advise the clinician prior to the examination.
Disabled Access
There are disabled parking facilities available. The surgery is accessible via a ramp to the front entrance as well as steps. We also have a patient toilet suitable for those with disabilities.
Smoking is not permitted on practice premises.
We have an on-site car park with free parking. There is also residential parking nearby on Elms Avenue and Elgin Road.
Cycle Rack
A cycle rack is available for use towards the bottom of the car park on the right hand side.
Public Transport
Bus routes run along Sandbanks Road and there is a bus stop a couple of minutes walk from the Surgery. For more information, go to
No dogs except guide dogs for the hearing/blind are permitted on practice premises.
Facilities are available within the surgery.
What to do if someone dies
If someone dies, call a doctor. There is no need to move the deceased. It is a legal requirement for a doctor to confirm that someone has died. If the doctor has recently seen the deceased a death certificate can normally be issued. The death will need to be registered at the registry office covering your area. In the case of an unexpected death the doctor will need to notify the coroner who will then advise as to further arrangements.Visitors from Abroad
Visitors from abroad may be treated as private patients. Please enquire about the current fee scale for this. Payment will be due at the times of service. Visitors from certain countries may be entitled to NHS treatment as temporary residents.Complaints
Whilst we strive to offer excellent service, we recognise that sometimes things do go wrong. It is often possible to resolve issues as they occur, so please feel encouraged to discuss any issues with the relevant member of staff at the time.
If you would like to make a complaint, you can download a copy of our Complaints Procedure for more information. You can also get a copy of this leaflet from reception.
If you would like to submit a complaint in writing you can do this via letter or you may find our Complaint form useful. These forms are also available from reception.
Access to medical records
If you wish to apply for access to your medical records (Subject Access Request) please download and complete our Application for Access to Medical Records form.
Alternatively, you can apply in writing to the surgery address: please include your full name, date of birth, address and a signature.
If you wish to apply for access to medical records of a deceased patient, please download and complete our Application for Access to Medical Records of a Deceased Patient form.
Additional Communication Needs
We have access to language translation services as well as a signer. There is a portable hearing loop available at the surgery also - please ask at reception. We also have a number of "easy read guides" available.