Lilliput Surgery - Flu Clinics
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Flu Clinics

Don't underestimate the risks of flu

Flu vaccination provides the best protection against an unpredictable virus which infects many people and can cause serious illness and death each year. The vaccination is free and recommended yearly for those most at risk of flu. Having your flu vaccination at your GP surgery means that we can record your vaccination in your NHS medical record and can provide the reassurance of a medical team in a clinical environment.

Who is eligible?

  • Those aged 65 and over
  • Pregnant women
  • Anyone living with a long term medical condition, for example: diabetes; asthma; COPD; heart, kidney or liver conditions; brain or nervous system conditions; immune system or spleen conditions
  • People with caring responsibilities for an elderly or disabled person.

For more information click here 

Not had your flu jab yet? It's not too late!

Don't take the risk! If you are eligible for a flu jab and haven't had it yet please call 01202 710013 to book an appointment.

Did you know? We get a payment for every single flu jab we give to one of our patients. The income from our flu clinics pays a nurse salary for 6 months. Please support your GP surgery by choosing to have your flu jab here.

Have your flu jab at the Surgery and support us

Although the flu jab is being offered by many alternative providers this year, your GP surgery is still a great place to have this done:

  • we provide a safe medical environment with an excellent team of Health Care Professionals to hand
  • we have direct access to your medical record
  • we can check for any other vaccinations you may be entitled to
  • we can update your personal details if required
  • we can record directly into your notes

What should I do before my flu vaccination?

Inform us if:

  • you have ever had a vaccination to a previous flu vaccination
  • you are feeling unwell or have a raised temperature
  • you are allergic to hen's eggs

Help the clinic run smoothly by taking off your coat and rolling up your sleeve (on the arm you don't write with) before you are called for your vaccination.

What happens after my flu vaccination?

Like all vaccines, flu vaccination can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them. You may:

  • feel a temporary soreness where you have been injected
  • have light swelling and redness at the site of injection
  • have achy muscles or joints, a slightly raised temperature, or headache

These symptoms are to be expected and should go away within a day or so. If they last for longer or you have any symptoms that cause you concern, talk to your GP or practice nurse.

For more information on the benefits of flu vaccination visit and search "flu".

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