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Welcome to Lilliput Surgery
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To access appointments, we are asking patients, where possible, to complete an online econsultation.
An econsultation is a quick & simple online form which can be accessed through your surgeries website or via the NHS app.
It allows you to access advice, from a doctor, nurse of from another member of our clinical team – from the comfort & safety of your own home.
If you need to attend the practice we would ask that you wear a face mask or face covering.
We also have a wider team of health professionals working with us at Shore Medical- including specialist physiotherapist, child and adolescent mental health specialist nurses, a pharmacy team and other allied health staff – their services can also be accessed via the econsulation
We are here for you; to look after your physical and mental health now; and in the future.
We think these changes will deliver an excellent service whilst allowing both you and the Shore team to stay alert, control the virus and save lives
Due to the Coronavirus, we are now assessing patients’ symptoms before they attend the surgery.
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The NHS App lets you book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and access a range of other healthcare services.

Lilliput Surgery - Working with you to provide quality healthcare

The doctors and staff at Lilliput Surgery in Parkstone are proud to offer the highest standard of patient-centred healthcare.
We run many clinics for the management of chronic diseases such as asthma and diabetes and offer a wide variety of other medical prednisone services including antenatal and postnatal care, minor surgery and childhood vaccinations.
In addition to everything you need to know about the practice you will also find a wealth of health-related information in the menus at tadalafil the top and bottom of this screen.
(Site updated 10/07/2020)